You are getting ready to embark on a major move across the country. You hired cross country movers, packed all your boxes, got everything ready for the trip and then started thinking about what you will need to do before you leave to prepare your pets for the move. It is a good thing you paused to think about that because you are a responsible pet owner. As such, you are concerned about your pet’s comfort and well-being on the long trip. According to Cheap Movers Philadelphia PA, the following are a few things to consider before you head out on the open road:
The Vet Visit
You may not know this, but the shots required in one state to keep your pet compliant may be different from what is required in another state. You will need to go online and find out what shots your pet will need before you make your big move. Then you will want to take your pet to the vet and get their shots before you leave. This might be short notice, but your vet will probably understand and squeeze you in at their earliest convenience to accommodate your trip. Also, if you are traveling by train or plane, you may want to call ahead to make sure what shots or vet records are required in those instances too. This is especially the case if your pet is also your guide dog and you are taking the dog on a plane and not keeping it in a crate.
Motion Sickness
The last thing you will ever consider happening is your faithful dog soaking the back seat of your car with vomit. If your dog or other pet is not used to riding in a car or prone to motion sickness, then you will want to be prepared with medication or herbal supplements that help to mitigate this problem. For dogs, a little ginger will usually do the trick. Not feeding your pet for a few hours before you can reduce the contents of their stomach to a minimum in case they do get sick in the car. Some pets, like a dog, can even take a little Benadryl to calm them down. Just pass that by your vet before you attempt it to be safe though.
ID Tags
When you are on a long trip to relocate across the country, you will be traveling through unfamiliar areas. Before leaving, it is a good idea to get ID tags for your dog, cat or other pet. This way, if your pet accidentally gets away from you, for any reason, the tags will contain all the necessary contact information to reach you. This will make it possible for you to retrieve your pet if someone finds them.
Bathroom Breaks
You have been in route for a while, and your pet is getting a little antsy. Although you might have a big bladder, you should remember that your pet’s bladder is smaller in most cases. It does not hurt to stop frequently for a bathroom break. You can plan these stops of time on a map or with an app to remind you of them at the right times. It is important to remember that when you stop to relieve the pet that you use a harness, a leash or other restraining devices to make sure your pet does not get away from you, hit by another car or stolen.
Cut Claws
Your cat or dog is in the back seat, and after a few short hours of travel, they will inevitably start to get bored. This can cause some pets to exhibit nervous habits that could be detrimental to your fabric or leather interior. By cutting their claws ahead of time, you are going to save your seats a lot of punctures and tear damage. If you have a pet that is a chewer, then a muzzle might be in line too. Again, this is not going to hurt your pet; it just keeps the interior of your car free from damage.
You prepared well to take your pets on the big move. While you were traveling, your pets were not too sick, did not relieve themselves in the car and your car made it there without your seats being mangled from pet boredom. It was a good trip. Now it is time to get your pet out of the car and let them stretch their legs. They were good and deserved a little play time.